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Join us!

All activity in the Oxalis Community is funded by its members, by fees determined by the Oxalis Community. An overarching principle is to keep administration to a minimum, to ensure that funds are spent on improvements, bug fixing and development of the software – to benefit all implementers.

By joining the Oxalis Community as a member, you are making an active contribution to the continued implementation and use of Peppol, reducing barriers to interoperability and promoting digitalization. 


As a member, you can influence the direction and further development of the software by representation and voting rights, and join the Technical Dialog  and Business meetings.  

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Member        Non Member

Access to Oxalis, Oxalis-AS4 and vefa-peppol GitHub repositories                                                 

Report issues in GitHub, community support

Access to community documentation; FAQ, change requests, roadmap, minutes, etc.


Early access to release candidates


Appoint representatives to community management positions

Voting rights, Change management and community governance

Profilation of Oxalis Member logo, Join Technical and Business meetings


Membership fees 2024:

Membership in the Oxalis Community is charged with an annual fee to support the purposes, deliveries and activities of the community.


Membership fees are determined by The Oxalis Advisory Board.


  • Annual fee €2200

All fees are stated in Euros, excluding V.A.T and other taxes.

December 4th. 2023

Registration Oxalis Community
Membership model:

Voting rights

Members have voting rights, in accordance with the principle 1 member: 1 vote. All participants will receive advance information on voting by e-mail. If a member organisation registers more than one participant to the founding meeting, voting rights will also be clarified in advance.

Terms of payment

An invoice for the annual fee will be issued immediately following the receipt of the registration form. 


Thank you for signing up as a member of the Oxalis Community.

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