Oxalis backlog and roadmap
Oxalis backlog and roadmap is now available to Public : https://github.com/orgs/OxalisCommunity/projects/12
For Oxalis Comminuty members, separate "Oxalis Internal Roadmap & backlog" dashboard is being maintained which contains details about upcoming features, epic backlog, milestones & releases, security, PoC and support related items.
If you want to become a Oxalis Community member, please visit: https://www.oxalis.network/join
For any questions, please write to us at: https://www.oxalis.network/contact-us
SLACK Channel
We encourage all Oxalis Members to make effective use of “NorStella Oxalis Slack channel” (norstellaoxalis.slack.com) to receive faster, up-to-date, consolidated, and real time information. By joining slack channel, you will get valuable insight and support for your day-to-day queries.
Need to be added to the Slack Channel? Send an e-mail to oxalis@norstella.no